Deep Feminine Mystery School
Home of The Venus Path™
The Deep Feminine Mystery School is in Devotion to the Goddess of LOVE AND Her Mystery School of Incarnation

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“The Body and Heart don’t want to witness the moment.
They have no need to detach from this world.
The Body and Heart rejoice in their entanglements with life.
For they long to be touched and tasted and known.
They have no need to observe.
The Body and Heart want to Make Love"
- Maya Luna
☽ Maya Luna ☾
Maya Luna is an Artist and Channel for the Lineage of Venus.
She offers her transmissions in the form of Written and Spoken Word Poetry, Teachings and Embodiment Practices.
She is the creator of The Venus Path™, a modern adaptation of an ancient Fertility Goddess Spiritual Path that works with Sensuality, The Body, The Deep Heart, Passionate Energy and the Incarnate Human Experience to enter the living current of creation that is The Goddess.
She Has One Book of Poetry, Two Spoken Word Poetry Albums and One Book on The Venus Path Available Now.

Come Home to Your Heart, Your Body and Your Life as Holy Ground

Who Is The Goddess of Love?
While She is Best Known As Venus, Inanna, Ishtar and Aphrodite...
She Is Before and Beyond All Names.
She is A Dynamic, Living Current of Presence.
The One Being at the Heart of The Mystery of Creation We Call Life.
The Venus Spiritual Path is Ancient. It Predates the Written Word and the Father God Religions.
It is rooted in the Mysteries of Mother Matter:
The Pathways of Divinity Woven into the Organic Design of Incarnation.
While nearly all modern spiritual paths have centered on the Transcendent, Venusian Spirituality is rooted in the Revelation of Divine Immanence.
The Goddess of Love Sanctifies The Body, The Heart and the Human Experience as Holy.
She Reveals that these are the Doorways into Love.